HKSR is devoted to promoting the development of rehabilitation service in Mainland China. We set up Yee Hong Heights in Yantian, Shenzhen, to provide services for the elderly, and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
HKSR was the first organization in Hong Kong to be designated a WHO Collaborating Centre in 1986. We are one of six WHO rehabilitation centres in the Western Pacific Region. Our aim is to promote sustainable community-based rehabilitation services in Mainland China to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
Our major target groups are rehabilitation workers, including doctors, nurses, therapists and child-care workers working in hospitals, rehabilitation centres, welfare homes or NGOs. We also train people at the managerial level to enhance their understanding of rehabilitation and further promote rehabilitation work. In over 27 years, we have trained more than 30,000 rehabilitation staff from over 1,000 hospitals, welfare institutes, rehabilitation centres community-based projects or other NGOs.