Established in 1959, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (HKSR) is the pioneer in rehabilitation services in Hong Kong, and is also the longest-standing charity in Hong Kong that specialises in rehabilitation.
The manufacturing industries prospered from the 1950s to 1960s with textile industry and the manufacturing of plastic wares, garments and wigs taking the lead. This resulted in a huge increase in labour demand and the number of industrial accidents also surged during that period. The general public was not familiar with the concept of “Rehabilitation”, and the victims hurt by industrial accidents could hardly receive proper rehabilitation treatments. To establish the rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities, Prof. Sir Harry Fang, the Father of Rehabilitation, founded HKSR in 1959.
HKSR’s first-ever rehabilitation hospital was opened in 1962. It was the most modern centre of its kind in Asia at that time and was also the first accessible building in Hong Kong. The service of HKSR has expanded since then and the demand for rehabilitation services has increased rapidly. We commenced the service of Rehabus in 1978, established the Community Rehabilitation Network and the Vocational Rehabilitation and Retraining Centre in 1994, and opened our first social enterprise Wah Hong Convenience Store Ltd in 1997. From 2000 onwards, we have also established Easy-Access Transport Services Ltd, Cheng Tak Yim Day Rehabilitation & Care Centre and Yee Hong Heights which is a cross-border elderly care home in Shenzhen.
After years of development, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation now provides one-stop services for persons in need, ranging from rehabilitation, health management, accessible transport and travel, supported employment and elderly care services, to allow persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses to restore their potential and participate in the community, living a special fulfilling life with dignity. The Society has over 30 service units in Hong Kong and Mainland China with an annual attendance exceeding 1.3 million.