Receiving Recognitions in Elderly Care Services

Ms CHAU Wai-ping Phyllis (Director of Long Term Care, International & China Programmes)

The Society has always striven to provide high quality rehabilitation and long-term care services, which are widely recognised by the community as we have received awards constantly.

Recently, Ms CHAU Wai-ping Phyllis (Director of Long Term Care, International & China Programmes) and her team’s “Geriatric Rejuvenation Project – A Personalised, Holistic and Integrative Rehabilitative Care for the Young Old to Avoid Pre-Mature Admission to the Elderly Home” received the recognition of “Best Practices Winning Project” by Jockey Club MEL Institute Project. The award-winning project will be launched in early 2022 and operated by the Society. The project will provide young old patients (particularly those suffering from stroke) with intensive rehabilitation services to avoid early admission to elderly homes due to frailty caused by chronic illnesses or injuries.