Body Temperature Checking before Boarding for Passengers of Rehabus

For the sake of personal and other users’ health as well as hygiene inside bus compartment, body temperature of passenger of Rehabus would be measured by Bus Captain before boarding with effect from 1 August 2020 (Saturday) until further notice. Detailed arrangements are as follows:

  1. Passenger with the body temperature at 37.4ºc or below could use our service.
  2. Passenger with the body temperature at 37.5ºc or above please pay attention to the following arrangements:
    • No boarding at the moment, affected passenger is advised to wait for 2 minutes for another body temperature check.
    • If body temperature of affected passenger is still at 37.5ºc or above at the second check, it is advised to consult doctor at the nearest clinic immediately. Trip should be cancelled.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Fighting the virus together!