Performance Pledge

Rehabus pledges to provide high quality and diversified transport services to persons with disabilities who have difficulties in using public transport, thus promoting social inclusion.

Rehabus establishes a continuous improving management system, and is committed to delivering an efficient, safe and reliable special transport service to our passengers with a “customer-oriented” spirit.

The performance standards of the services under Rehabus Performance Pledge Scheme are expressed generally in terms of service types as follows:

Scheduled Route Service (SRS)

Pledged Target Actual Performance in 2023/2024
Trip punctuality Delay less than 15 minutes 90% 98.53%
To acknowledge receipt of SRS application by letter Within 7 working days upon receipt of an application 100% 100%
To notify the applicant of the application result by letter Within 1 month upon receipt of an application 100% 100%

Pooled Dial-a-Ride Service (PDAR)

Pledged Target Actual Performance in 2023/2024
Trip punctuality Delay less than 15 minutes 90% 98.11%
To acknowledge receipt of PDAR application by letter Within 7 working days upon receipt of an application 100% 100%
To notify the applicant of the application result by letter Within 1 month upon receipt of an application 100% 100%

Dial-a-Ride Service (DAR)

Pledged Target Actual Performance in 2023/2024
Trip punctuality Delay less than 15 minutes 90% 98%

Fleet Safety

Pledged Target Actual Performance in 2023/2024
Accidents(with casualties) Average number of Rehabus accidents per million km run 3 1.88

Customer Satisfaction

Pledged Target Actual Performance in 2023/2024
Complaints Average number of complaints per ten thousand passenger trips 2 2.96