• Lee Quo Wei Day Rehabilitation and Care Centre

This LQW centre has stopped operation on 31 December 2021. The rehabilitation service provision is continued by “HKSR Jockey Club Geriatric Rejuvenation Hub” Day Rehabilitation Center at the same address. Please click here”to continue explore the rehabilitation service information of the HKSR Jockey Club Geriatric Rejuvenation Hub.

Service enquiry: Tel 3143 2888 / Whatsapp 9289 1002 / e-mail grh@rehabsociety.org.hk

With a holistic view on treatment, Lee Quo Wei Day Rehabilitation and Care Centre (LQW Centre) service integrates the Western and Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine elements to enhance the well-being of infirmed elderly and individuals with health complications so that they can rebuild a healthy lifestyle and live a fulfilling life.

Service Features

1. Multi-disciplinary rehabilitation team to provide holistic care to both service users and caregivers.
2. Integrated assessment that specified for rehabilitation needs after stroke, cognitive disorders, orthopaedic surgery and others.
3. Rehabilitation services that integrate the elements of Western and Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine.
4. Center area more than 5,000 ft². Comprehensive rehabilitation facilities.
5. Individual treatment sessions for the needs of intensive training.
6. Dementia specialised day activity programmes.
7. High staff to service user ratio.

  • Hand of Hope

    The Hand of Hope (HOH) therapy device used for neuromuscular rehabilitation of the hand and forearm that may help patients regain hand mobility through motor relearning.

  • Lite Gait

    Lite Gait provides proper posture, reduces weight bearing, eliminates concerns for balance, and facilitates the training of coordinated leg movement.

  • Stroke users receiving rehabilitation training

  • Stroke users receiving rehabilitation training

  • Speech Therapy

  • Horticultural therapy

    Horticultural therapy helps improve memory, cognitive abilities, task initiation, language skills, and socialization.

  • Main entrance

  • Yang Sheng Qigong Class

  • Gymnasium

  • Gymnasium

  • Dinning area

User Sharing

Sharing from current LQW members “Stroke, I can overcome”

Mr. Tso suffered from stroke suddenly without any prior symptom in March 2016 when he was on a business trip in Shanghai. Immobility, dependency and suspension of work had given a heavy blow to Mr. Tso who was only 48 years old at that time.

Mr. Tso started his rehabilitation training in Lee Quo Wei Day Rehabilitation and Care Centre (LQW) in July 2016. When he first came, he could hardly stretch his hands and needed wheelchairs to move around. After several months of training, Mr. Tso was able to pick up toothpicks again, walked for two hours continuously, and climbed stairs for even ten floors again. He was even able to serve as a volunteer referee of his friends’ football matches.

Mr. Tso refused to accept failure and believed that he could defeat stroke. With the company of his buddies, he would never be lonely of feel desperate on the road of rehabilitation.

Referred by LQW’s occupational therapist in 2017, he passed the driving test and regained a driving license. He also got back to work at the end of 2017. Now, he could drive, resume his work and mix with his buddies.

Note: Mr. Tso had completed LQW’s rehabilitation training in May 2018. Our best wishes for his life in future!

Sharing from current LQW members

Mr. Chan is a member of the “Positive Energy Group,” a stroke mutual help group. In 2013, he had a stroke which affected his mobility. He attended the intensive rehabilitation programme at LQW Centre when he was temporarily admitted to the Tsang Shiu Tim Home for the Elderly (TST Home). Now, Mr. Chan has seen great improvement and is now able to walk with a quadripod walking stick and has returned home. He took a very positive and optimistic attitude during the rehabilitation process and strongly believed that “I can walk eventually.”

He fully understands that there is a hope of recovery as long as he has the spirit of never giving up. Mr. Chan continued his training in LQW Centre and joined the “Positive Energy Group” after he was discharged from the TST Home. He has actively participated in the volunteer services such as visiting residents of TST Home and attending sharing sessions. He would accept an invitation to volunteer service without hesitation as he found that volunteering gave him a sense of usefulness. Despite his disabilities, Chan considered that there were still things he can do. His next plan of volunteer work is to teach painting in TST Home and to continue his involvement in the establishment of free schools in China. The spirit of mutual help and self-help is duly reflected on him.

Collaboration Parties

Lee Quo Wei Day Rehabilitation & Care Centre was funded by:

Wei Lun Foundation LimitedWeiLun-logo - 複製

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

HKJC Charities Trust

The Community Chest

Address: Lee Quo Wei Day Rehabiltation & Care Centre, 10/F, 7 Sha Wan Drive, Pokfulam, HK

Email: lqw@rehabsociety.org.hk (the above email box has been closed. Email address of our new centre- HKSR Jockey Club Geriatric Rejuvenation Hub: grh@rehabsociety.org.hk)

Tel: 3143 2888 / Whatsapp: 9289 1002

Fax: 2872 8938

This project is supported by
The Community Chest